HKT - Hong Kong Time: 9am to 12pm
Session 1: March 8, 2024 (Friday)
Session 2: March 12, 2024 (Tuesday)
Session 3: March 13, 2024 (Wednesday)
Session 4: March 15, 2024 (Friday)
Session 5: March 19, 2024 (Tuesday)
Session 6: March 22, 2024 (Friday)
(Registration Deadline: 16/2/2024)
Session 1: Overview of PGD and PGT
Session 2: Understanding and accepting grief and grief-related emotions
Session 3: Seeing a promising future and strengthening relationships
Session 4: Narrating a story of the death
Session 5: Learning to live with reminders
Session 6: Connecting with memories of the deceased and ending the treatment
Brief description
Prolonged Grief Disorder (PGD) is a bereavement-related post-loss stress disorder that affects about 7-10% of bereaved people. Symptoms include pervasive intense grief that interferes with personal and social functioning and persists for at least 6 months after the death (ICD-11) and also beyond the time a bereaved person and their social, cultural and religious group expect that grief will lessen significantly in its intensity and pervasiveness. Although PGD may co-occur with other mental health problems, especially depression, anxiety, and PTSD, it is now recognized as a distinct condition that is included in ICD-11 and DSM 5-TR.
This workshop covers the principles and practice of Prolonged Grief Treatment (PGT), a short-term, principle-based integrated psychotherapy with a strong evidence base established in multiple studies funded by the National Institute of Mental Health in the US and used by clinicians worldwide. Participants will learn how to implement PGT using active empathic listening and targeted procedures. Participants will learn how to help individuals with Prolonged Grief achieve the following: