[Speaking Grief Series - Universal Care Seminar] Get Grief Out There: Leveraging Social Media to Enhance Awareness, Education, and Impact


(English Only)

Date: 13 May, 2024 (Monday)
Time: 10:00 – 12:00 (Hong Kong Time)
Venue: The University of Hong Kong (The venue will be announced at a later date) 
Target: Social and healthcare professionals, journalists or those interested in life and death education
Format: Face-to-face
Language: English
Free of charge

Grief can be isolating, but it does not have to be. It is a space that holds great opportunities for connection if we can find the courage to move beyond our discomfort and engage with humility and compassion. Grief literacy is a skill we can learn. As with any new skill, the more we practice, the more proficient we become. This session will draw upon Speaking Grief, a multiplatform media initiative to create a more grief-aware society. Lindsey Whissel Fenton, the creator of Speaking Grief, will discuss what she learned from speaking with dozens of people about their experiences with loss and share strategies for navigating conversations around grief.

Keynote Speaker

Lindsey Whissel Fenton (Biography)

Filmmaker, Writer, Speaker
Creator of Speaking Grief

Event Schedule

Please click here for more details.
