政府資訊 殯儀支援 善別輔導 經濟援助 求助熱線

[Call for Abstract] The JCBeCARE International Conference -- Towards 2030: The Practitioner-Researcher Collaborated Bereavement Care (20-23 May 2025)

(English Version Only) The JCBeCARE International Conference -- Towards 2030: The Practitioner-Researcher Collaborated Bereavement Care will take place from 20 May to 23 May, 2025 at the University of Hong Kong. The Conference aims to expedite the seamless integration of bereavement care in social and healthcare settings by collaborating with research findings, and to provide a platform for forging new connections, starting meaningful discussions and guiding explorations of practices both old and new, to initiate improvements in bereavement care. We sincerely invite you to submit abstract(s) on or before 12 January, 2025. Selected applicants will be invited to conduct oral or poster presentation during the Conference. Submit your abstract! Let’s build a compassionate community and making a difference in the lives of those experiencing loss.

「談悲傷 ‧ 學善別」專業培訓 「悲傷素養」的教育與推廣


General Bereavement Course: Theories and Models on Grief and their Implications in Chinese Context (Online Self-Learning Course) (Class 3*)

(English version only) Studies and literature on bereavement counseling have been rapidly developed in the past few decades. Scholars from around the world have made different innovative proposals on grief and bereavement. In order to offer a comprehensive understanding of bereavement counseling, we have invited world renowned scholars to introduce their famous models and theories. Researchers and practitioners would also make corresponding commentaries to illustrate their implications in Chinese context.

JCBeCARE Prolonged Grief Treatment Workshop (Class 2*)

(English version only) Prolonged Grief Disorder (PGD) is a bereavement-related post-loss stress disorder that affects about 7-10% of bereaved people. Symptoms include pervasive intense grief that interferes with personal and social functioning and persists for at least 6 months after the death (ICD-11) and also beyond the time a bereaved person and their social, cultural and religious group expect that grief will lessen significantly in its intensity and pervasiveness. Although PGD may co-occur with other mental health problems, especially depression, anxiety, and PTSD, it is now recognized as a distinct condition that is included in ICD-11 and DSM 5-TR.



General Bereavement Course: Theories and Models on Grief and their Implications in Chinese Context (Online Self-Learning Course) (Class 2*)

(English Only) In order to offer a comprehensive understanding of bereavement counseling, we have invited world renowned scholars to introduce their famous models and theories. Researchers and practitioners would also make corresponding commentaries to illustrate their implications in Chinese context.



[Speaking Grief Series] Symposium on “Towards a Compassionate Community: Call for Grief Literacy in Hong Kong”

(English Only) This symposium marks the beginning of the Speaking Grief Series, a program dedicated to promoting grief and bereavement literacy in Hong Kong. We are delighted to have renowned filmmaker Lindsey Whissel Fenton, an Emmy award winner, as our keynote speaker for this event. She will guide us in exploring the power of conversations about loss in enhancing grief literacy. In addition, our esteemed speakers will also share the current status of grief literacy in Hong Kong and practical strategies for fostering a society that is knowledgeable and supportive of those experiencing grief. Let us come together to build a compassionate community that offers care to individuals in their time of need.

[談悲傷系列–公眾講座] 悲傷可以說出來嗎?

有些喪親者因長期受困於悲傷情緒或無法接受自己的悲傷,因而感到孤立無援,身邊的親友亦不知如何提供支援。想學習真正對喪親者有幫助的技巧,我們需要了解到悲傷是對失去親人的一種自然、健康的反應,保持謙卑、好奇心和同理心,勇敢地展開這具挑戰性的話題。在是次講座中,「Speaking Grief」的製片人兼創作者 Lindsey Whissel Fenton 將透過播出其作品,分享她在美國各地與人談論有關喪親話題的經驗,以及為喪親者提供有效支援的見解。

[Speaking Grief Series - Universal Care Seminar] Get Grief Out There: Leveraging Social Media to Enhance Awareness, Education, and Impact

(English Only) Grief can be isolating, but it does not have to be. It is a space that holds great opportunities for connection if we can find the courage to move beyond our discomfort and engage with humility and compassion. Grief literacy is a skill we can learn. As with any new skill, the more we practice, the more proficient we become. This session will draw upon Speaking Grief, a multiplatform media initiative to create a more grief-aware society. Lindsey Whissel Fenton, the creator of Speaking Grief, will discuss what she learned from speaking with dozens of people about their experiences with loss and share strategies for navigating conversations around grief.

General Bereavement Course: Theories and Models on Grief and their Implications in Chinese Context (Online Self-Learning Course) (Class 1)

(English Only) In order to offer a comprehensive understanding of bereavement counseling, we have invited world renowned scholars to introduce their famous models and theories. Researchers and practitioners would also make corresponding commentaries to illustrate their implications in Chinese context.

ADAPTS善別輔導模式 — 六天專業培訓課程 (第四期)


JCBeCARE Prolonged Grief Treatment Workshop

(只有英文版本) Prolonged Grief Disorder (PGD) is a bereavement-related post-loss stress disorder that affects about 7-10% of bereaved people. Symptoms include pervasive intense grief that interferes with personal and social functioning and persists for at least 6 months after the death (ICD-11) and also beyond the time a bereaved person and their social, cultural and religious group expect that grief will lessen significantly in its intensity and pervasiveness.

DPM善別小組 — 三天專業培訓課程 (第三期)


ADAPTS善別輔導模式 — 六天專業培訓課程 (第三期)




JCBeCARE General Bereavement Course: Theories and Models on Grief and their implications in Chinese Context

(只有英文版本) Studies and literatures on bereavement counseling have been rapidly developed in the past few decades...

ADAPTS善別輔導模式 — 六天專業培訓課程 (第二期)


DPM善別小組 — 三天專業培訓課程 (第二期)


「不再節哀」—「善別關懷初探」工作坊 (第二期)


開幕典禮暨 善別新一頁:從公共健康模式看善別支援研討會


